A thyristor is a semiconductor device which possesses high ratings of voltage and current and also possesses the ability to handle large power. On the contrary, the transistor cannot handle large power equivalent to that handled by a thyristor. Moreover, the current and voltage rating of transistors is also quite low. Thus, power handling capacity differentiates both these devices. Although, thyristor and transistor both are the crucial devices for switching applications but still due to … [Read more...] about Difference between Thyristor and Transistor
Difference between Diode and Rectifier
A diode is a two terminal semiconductor device which allows the current to flow when it is forward biased and blocks the current when it is reverse biased. Rectifier is a circuit which consists of a diode which has higher current carrying capability and thus used for rectification of AC signal.The major difference between diode and rectifier is that the diode is a device which becomes short circuit when it is forward biased and open circuit when it is reverse biased. On the contrary, a … [Read more...] about Difference between Diode and Rectifier
Difference between Thyristor and Thyratron
The main difference between thyristor and thyratron is that the thyristor is current controlled device while a thyratron is a voltage controlled device. The thyratron is a large tube filled with gases such as mercury, xenon, hydrogen etc. and the conduction increases due to ionization of these gases. The thyristor is a semiconductor device while the thyratron is the voltage controlled device. Although the thyristor and thyratron both are three terminal devices still the construction of the … [Read more...] about Difference between Thyristor and Thyratron
Thyristor Operation
Definition: Thyristor is a semiconductor device which comprises of four layers made up of P-type and N-type material arranges in the alternate fashion. The word Thyristor is formed from two words thyratron and transistor. Besides, the characteristics possessed by a thyristor is the combination of the properties of thyratron and transistor. The thyratron has the property of rectification and the transistor has the property of switching. The thyristors are turned on using the control signal … [Read more...] about Thyristor Operation
Difference between Diode and Zener Diode
A diode is a semiconductor device which conducts in one direction only. A Zener diode is a semiconductor device which conducts in forward biased as well as reversed biased. A normal diode if operated in reversed biased will get destroyed. Thus, a normal PN junction diode is considered as a unidirectional device. On the contrary, Zener diode is designed in a way that it can conduct in a reversed biased mode without getting damaged. The doping intensity is also one of the key features which … [Read more...] about Difference between Diode and Zener Diode
Difference between Linear Supply and Switch Mode Power Supply
The linear power supply and Switch mode power supply, both supplies DC power to electrical and electronic circuits but the similarities end here. The crucial factor which differentiates linear power supply and SMPS is the working procedure. The Linear power supply converts high voltage AC into the low voltage using a transformer and then converts it into DC voltage while the switched mode supply converts AC into DC first then transform that DC voltage into desired voltage. The Switch mode … [Read more...] about Difference between Linear Supply and Switch Mode Power Supply
Difference between NPN and PNP Transistor
The main difference between PNP transistor and NPN transistor is that the conduction in NPN transistor is due to electron while conduction in PNP transistor is due to holes. Another crucial difference between NPN and PNP transistor is the direction of flow of current, the current in NPN transistor flows from collector to emitter, on the contrary, the current in PNP transistor flows from emitter to collector. The other differences between NPN and PNP transistor are biasing condition. The … [Read more...] about Difference between NPN and PNP Transistor
Difference Between Diode and Transistor
Diode and Transistor are considered as the backbone of electronic devices and Circuit. But the similarities between these crucial devices of electronics realm end here. The main difference between diode and transistor is that a diode is a two terminal device which allows current in one direction only from the anode to the cathode. On the contrary, a transistor is a three terminal device which passes current from high resistance region to low resistance region. The word transistor itself … [Read more...] about Difference Between Diode and Transistor
Difference Between Clipper and Clamper
The major difference between clipper and clamper is that clipper is a limiting circuit which limits the output voltage while clamper is a circuit which shifts the DC level of output voltage. The clipper and clamper circuits are exactly opposite to each other regarding their working principle. Another significant difference between clipper and clamper is the shape of the output waveform. The voltage which is clipped by clipper can assume various shapes, but the voltage obtained by clamper … [Read more...] about Difference Between Clipper and Clamper
NPN Transistor
Definition: NPN transistor is a current controlled circuit which comprises of three terminal that are emitter, base and collector. It is formed by sandwiching the layer of N-type material between two layers of P-type material. It acts as the current source because it provides current through the base terminal. NPN transistor is exactly opposite of PNP transistor. NPN transistor can be understood as a Negative-Positive-Negative transistor. This is because the N-type layer of semiconductor … [Read more...] about NPN Transistor